If this is your first winter boating, you may have your concerns on winterising, there are so many different rules of thought on how best to keep your boat safe and out of harm’s way during the winter months and there are practical things you should do regardless to ensure peace of mind.

In my opinion, if you’re not a winter boater the best plan is to have your pride and joy lifted out and placed on the hard standing in your marina, have the engines winterised, a dehumidifier placed on board and all the outside cushions and covers stored inside and shrink wrap the superstructure. This save's your covers from being damaged, the grime and dirt from gathering over the winter, your engines safe from any dangerous drops in water temperature and the many sleepless nights thinking ‘did I put the centre pole in the cockpit cover?’ Then a 2 hour drive to the marina to check, having to bail out the duck pond that has formed in your cockpit cover.

It’s not a practice we have taken to here in the UK unlike colder climate countries as our winters generally are shorter and temperatures rarely drop below but I think that is changing and our mind sets should also, to save ourselves unnecessary repair bills in the spring. If you are going to boat all year round, and why not, a simple dehumidifier on board and heaters in the engine room is still best practice in our opinion.
If this is your first winter and you have any concerns or questions pop by the office or give us a call.