In the world of boating, every sale is a unique journey for both buyer and seller alike and our team work hard to ensure the process is as smooth and enjoyable for all parties as possible. This was definitely the case for our first completion of 2024, the beautiful Sealine C330.
After just a short four weeks on the market, our team negotiated the sale to Mr L, an avid boater familiar with the local waters looking to upgrade vessels to enjoy more time onboard with family and friends.
We were absolutely delighted to handover ‘Skate’ to Mr L earlier this month and to watch him voyage along the coast to the Sealine’s new home berth in the Gulf of Almeria.
The whole team at JD Yachts would like to wish Mr L, along with his family and friends, many pleasurable trips onboard, enjoying all that the South coast of Spain has to offer.
If you are considering selling your boat and are looking for a broker who will ensure your sale is as smooth and enjoyable as possible, just like the Sealine, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Our team will be happy to help on +44(0)1305 766 504.


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