Off Canvas

2013 Year In Review

We’ve made a lot of changes here at JD Yachts in the last few months, some behind the scenes and some up front that we are sure you would have noticed on our web site.
One of the biggest changes has been the adoption of social media and increased customer communication. Like any business in the 21st century, the boating industry is evolving, with the increased usage of the internet and email we’ve embraced technologies that have increased our interaction with our vendors and buyers.
Facebook, Google+, Twitter and Instagram are all important communication tools; they allow us to deliver relevant information to followers on which ever service they prefer, instantly. New listings, price changes, new pictures, new blogs and much more are available to you as soon as we know about them. If you haven’t already followed us on one of the social media sites, follow the links above and you can keep an eye on all the latest updates.
We are especially pleased with people’s reaction to our YouTube Channel videos; we’ve not even been uploading them a year and we already have over 70,000 minutes of video watched! It’s a great way to show boats off to potential buyers and we intend to keep doing more in 2014.
We've also taken on a new broker here in Weymouth, Toby Hawkins. Some of you may have already been in contact with him, he's settled in very well in the office and we're glad to have him on board!
Our newsletters have gone from strength to strength, gaining many more subscribers and increasing customer enquiries.
The blogs have also taken on a whole new audience with many new and returning readers, we hope you are finding them a pleasant and informative read!
We have taken on many projects for owners, upgrading equipment or refurbishing boat interiors and exteriors. With the local services available to us here in Weymouth & Portland we’ve been able to accomplish any project that you’ve had in mind.
We never sit still when it comes to innovation, as the boating industry evolves, so will JD Yachts!


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