With all the cold weather and strong easterly winds we have encountered over the last month, it took a little time to find the right weather window to conduct the hand over on board a lush JD Yachts sold Sunseeker Camargue 55.
After a cup of tea / coffee, a very British start to the day, we strolled down on to the pontoons at Portland Marina with the new owners eagerly jumping on board a very clean boat. Smiles all round and a firm handshake from Darren, leaving me to carry out the hand over and safety drills.
Within minutes the new clients were practicing lassoing the bow and stern warps and tying fender knots, whilst also learning to communicate using hand signals.
After a brief refuel, we departed smoothly away from Portland and maintained a course of 120 degrees to avoid the Lulworth ranges, which were firing that day up to 5 miles out to sea. A few interesting looks from the new owners after I commented that “we may need to wear bullet proof vests”, they then settled down in to maintaining a good look out!
Straight away they saw the benefit of using the trim tabs positioned slightly down and cruising at a fuel efficient speed of 23.9 knots, whilst manoeuvring around all the crab pots that were coming up fast and lying just under the water line!
Out of sight of the ranges and with the St Albans ledge firmly behind us the auto pilot was engaged, making way to the fairway buoy just off the Isle of Wight needles. The new owner thought it was time to play and unzip the window on the canopy covers just above the helm for some fresh air and described how easy it was to see everything, but equally hard without a good pair of sunglasses!
Following and describing the sector lights at Hurst Castle point and rapidly advancing towards the Solent, the powerful two stroke engines were taking it in their stride and no smoke either! It was a pity there was not more marine traffic on the water to practice and demonstrate taking bearings of other vessels, but the big buoys in the central part of the Solent proved interesting enough with lots of questions as to why they were located in their current positions.
Slowing her down on the final approaches to the Hamble, 6 knots felt like we were standing still and with the new crew actively jumping on deck, with the life jackets on, to strategically place the fenders whilst taking in the beautiful scenery of the river and surrounding banks.
Their new home berth is the perfect location for this Sunseeker and her new owners, allowing for some tranquil days on board and for any work stress to simply float away!