Falmouth to the Kiel Canal - 600 nM
Instructed directly by the client from Sweden to sea trial this vessel before delivery, I arrived in Falmouth to a beautifully presented Fairline Phantom 46. A detailed pre-delivery inspection of the vessel showed nothing untoward and a prompt successful sea trial allowed me to start planning the delivery.
A week later the weather window opened up for three days of calm seas, so Tony my first mate and I set off from Falmouth.
A steady favourite of mine, the Fairline Phantom 46, made her way up the English Channel with not a hint of a problem. My routine hourly engine checking is simple with the large access hatch in the cockpit, not even a drop of oil coming from the engine sump.
The interior was clean and of course very comfortable, the helm seats in my preferred layout and galley beautifully presented with not a scratch on the wood, another JD Yachts fine example.
The delivery passage was via Dover, Ijmuiden and then finally Brunsbuttel, perfect conditions and with the client being updated twice a day on text.
On arrival and locked in to the Kiel canal the Fairline Phantom 46 was put to bed with the very happy client taking her successfully to Sweden the next day.